There are two very different types of contribution options that this site allows its readers to avail themselves of. I hasten to add that both are deliberately and completely voluntary.
The first is the feedback-type of contribution. I would love it if those of you who have enjoyed what you have read and seen here in The Mad Hatter’s Library let me know that you have, and why. Not just because we writers are sensitive self-indulgent souls who need our egos massaged regularly (which of course we do!), but also as a way of determining what it is that has particularly resonated with you.
Of course the same applies equally if you haven’t found the material you have read here to your taste. Because the fact is, that although much of what I write emerges from a place over which I have limited control, and even though the door to that place opens as and when it chooses, rather than Ali Baba “Open Sesame”-style, I sincerely would like to produce more of what appeals to the majority of you than the reverse. And the only way I can do that is if you tell me which is which.
So please don’t hesitate to click on the Feedback button below, and send me your thoughts and comments whenever you feel the need:
The second type of contribution that is very much welcomed here at The Mad Hatter’s Library, although a little more indelicate to raise, is the donation-type of contribution. Although I have nothing to complain about regarding the way life has treated me from an economic perspective to this point, it is also true that I have never before chosen to live by my wits, as it were, in quite this way. That is to say, I am now a writer, first and foremost, and that has never been the case before. And writing, I am told, can be a tough way to make a living.
So if what you read here leaves you with a sufficient sense of goodwill that you feel inclined to make a financial contribution as a sign of your gratitude – the size of which contribution I leave entirely to you – then I will be extremely grateful.
To make a Donation please click on the button below, and follow the steps set out there for your assistance.
Irrespective of whether or not a contribution commends itself to you at this time, can I take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage and support of The Mad Hatter’s Library. I sincerely hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Best Wishes,
Geoff Cordner